- Hiromu Okawa
- Studies the history of modern Japan
- His research concerns the urban society and its transformation focused on dealing with living crisises such as disasters and price rises for rice.
- Major achievement:“Kindai Nihon ni okeru meibō to chiiki fukushi no shakaishi” [A Social History of Social Standing and Community Welfare in Modern Japan], in The Journal of Historical Studies, No. 929 (2015)
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Makoto Oguma
- Folklore studies
- Aims to identify the characteristics of folk cultures in the East Asia regions centering on the folk culture of Okinawa, specifically through comparisons between the mainland Japan and China
- Major achievement:“Nihon to Chūgoku no kyōkai wo koeru munchū” [“Munchū” beyond the boundaries of Japan and China], in “Kyōkai” wo koeru Okinawa [Okinawa beyond “boundaries”] (Shinwasha, 2016)
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Masaaki Kon
- Folklore Studies
- Studies the relationship between the sea and humans from new perspectives by understanding the dynamic endeavors of the sea people of Japan's Archipelago, through fishing technology and boats.
- Major achievement: "Fishing Boats Along the Tsugaru Strait", Bulletin of the Folklore Society of Japan 189, 1992
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Kenji Sano
- Folklore studies
- Works to establish methodology of comparative folklore study, and conducts research and studies on the characteristics of the Japanization of Buddhism and methodological investigation of practical folklore studies
- Major achievement: “A Study in the Belief in Kokuuzou-Bosatsu (Akasagarbha),” Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 1996
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Atsushi Shiitada
- Specialized in contemporary Japanese history and Ryukyu Kingdom history, I engage in study of formation and characteristics of the contemporary Japan, and its peripheral subjects through research of the process of the Ryukyu Kingdom annexation by the Meiji government.
- Achievement: "Aiming to be a Small Maritime Country: Contemporary History of Okinawa through Historical Axis Review” (Shuppansha Mugen, 2016)
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Hiroo Sekiguchi
- Modern history of Japan, restoration of old manuscripts
- Conducts research on villages and cities in the modern era mainly focusing on problems of status and discrimination. Also works with cataloguing and restoration of old manuscripts.
- Main work: "Danzaemon Shihai to Sono Kyoukai (Rule of Danzaemon and its boundaries)," Mura no Mibun to Yuisho (Status and Lineage in Villages), Yoshikawa Kobunkan, 2010)
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Yoshihiko Maeda
- Ancient Japanese history
- Aims to clarify the characteristics of the nation and the society primarily in the Heian period, through investigations on problems related to the ancient laws, lawsuits and punishments
- Major achievement: “Affray and Misconduct Incidents in the Sekkan Period” (“Nihonshi Kenkyu” (A Study in Japanese History) 4335, 1998)
Scholarly information of educational staff
- Satoru Yasumuro
- Folklore studies (livelihoods, environment), material culture studies
- Studies the relationship between people and nature through techniques for multi-purpose use of the paddy field environment, such as paddy field fishing and growing beans on the ridges between rice fields
- Major achievement: “Shinzenkan no minzokugaku: Seikatsu sekai no bunrui to meimei” [Ethnology From the Perspective of Nature: Classification and Naming of the Lebenswelt (Life-world)] (Keiyūsha, 2016)
Scholarly information of educational staff