Research Activities

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Daily Lives of Students at the Graduate School of History and Folklore Studies

Thanks to the unique features of the curriculum, students of the Graduate School of History and Folklore Studies can take lectures and study subjects beyond the boundaries of history, folklore and other areas. Moreover, there are a variety of students of different ages and nationalities pursuing diversified research themes related to history and folklore. This fact enables students to build personal relationships not only through lectures and exercises but also in the daily life at the Graduate School in an interdisciplinary atmosphere.
The diversity of research methods and attitudes that can be experienced through the life at the Graduate School of History and Folklore Studies should bring new findings and enhanced creativity to students in their own research activities.

Lecture Scene

At lectures, not only instructors but also graduate students majoring in a variety of areas actively make remarks and comments, giving intellectual stimuli with each other.

A lecture scene
A lecture scene

An exercise scene
An exercise scene

Practice scenes

Subjects involving practices let students actually touch primary materials in order to physically learn their importance. The photos show a scene from folklore surveys in Gunma Prefecture and a scene from practicing repair of historical documents.

Students practicing repair of historical documents
Students practicing repair of historical

Students practicing surveys of folklore materials
Students practicing surveys of folklore